This is it. Finally, it’s election day! Find your polling place here.
Gathered in one place, I present daily Trumpian vulgarities, bigotry, hypocrisy, contempt, mendacity and other dangerously ignorant, poisonous nonsense and complete bullshit from the depraved, despotic, shameless, shallow, deceitful, volatile, puerile, vindictive, noxious, boastful, misogynistic, racist, corrupt, thuggish, insensitive, naive, irrational, petulant, solipsistic, authoritarian, vengeful, disgraceful, abusive, irresponsible, narcissistic, pompous, vacuous, cowardly, amoral, self-aggrandizing, unprincipled, pathologically deranged, completely detached-from-reality (crazy), unapologetically fraudulent, chronically repulsive, thoroughly sleazy and incoherent mind mouth of the “Republican” polezni durak nominee for President (think about that very carefully for several minutes).
There is such a goldmine cesspool of locker room material stretching back years, nay decades, that it’s difficult to recommend just a couple of highlights. However, if you’re a connoisseur of such ignorant vulgarities then I would suggest days 31 and 42 for their “jaw-droppingness”.
- Day 0: November 8, 2016: Vote!
- Day 0: November 8, 2016: If we don’t win, this will be the single greatest waste of time, energy and money in my life.
- Day 0: November 8, 2016: The language — the language was so bad.
- Day 0: November 8, 2016: They’re a bunch of phony low-lifes.
- Day 0: November 8, 2016: Can’t review 650,000 emails in eight days.
- Day 1: November 7, 2016: You don’t even have right to talk about it.
- Day 1: November 7, 2016: Hillary Clinton is guilty.
- Day 2: November 6, 2016: I’ve never said what he said in my life.
- Day 2: November 6, 2016: Some very, very classified information.
- Day 3: November 5, 2016: And our country has no idea.
- Day 3: November 5, 2016: So bad, I feel so badly for them.
- Day 4: November 4, 2016: Highest murder rate in 45 years.
- Day 4: November 4, 2016: I’m brave — I’m financially brave.
- Day 5: November 3, 2016: Katy — you’re not reporting it, Katy.
- Day 5: November 3, 2016: Stay on point, Donald. Stay on point.
- Day 6: November 2, 2016: Craving attention since childhood.
- Day 7: November 1, 2016: She is a terrible example for my son.
- Day 8: October 31, 2016: 600 million new immigrants in one week.
- Day 9: October 30, 2016: Boy, did I call that.
- Day 9: October 30, 2016: Here’s another ballot, throw it away.
- Day 10: October 29, 2016: Rigged FBI rolled over. FBI not rigged.
- Day 10: October 29, 2016: We’re gonna work on our ghettos.
- Day 11: October 28, 2016: A lot of vote flipping in Texas.
- Day 11: October 28, 2016: Oh, she was afraid. Give me break.
- Day 12: October 27, 2016: Capt. Khan would be alive.
- Day 12: October 27, 2016: I’ll teach military expert a couple of things.
- Day 12: October 27, 2016: We don’t play games, Newt, right?
- Day 12: October 27, 2016: So unfair, Hillary goes to an Adele concert.
- Day 12: October 27, 2016: One of the great places on earth.
- Day 13: October 26, 2016: I don’t like to analyze myself.
- Day 13: October 26, 2016: Most people aren’t worthy of respect.
- Day 13: October 26, 2016: You have this phony, third rate lawyer.
- Day 14: October 25, 2016: I’m sure she’s never been grabbed before.
- Day 14: October 25, 2016: Dems are making up phony polls.
- Day 14: October 25, 2016: Shouldn’t deport productive immigrants.
- Day 15: October 24, 2016: A waste of time if we don’t pull this off.
- Day 16: October 23, 2016: First 100 days… sue the lying accusers.
- Day 16: October 23, 2016: Destroying those who don’t help.
- Day 17: October 22, 2016: I like to deny things.
- Day 17: October 22, 2016: Bunch of babies running our country.
- Day 17: October 22, 2016: Pretending she doesn’t hate Catholics.
- Day 18: October 21, 2016: I’ll keep you in suspense.
- Day 19: October 20, 2016: Such a nasty woman.
- Day 19: October 20, 2016: Our country has no idea.
- Day 19: October 20, 2016: I think Bill Clinton was a great president.
- Day 20: October 19, 2016: Wow. Great polls. You can’t believe the polls.
- Day 20: October 19, 2016: Clinton’s debate prep is lying down, going to sleep.
- Day 20: October 19, 2016: Voter fraud is very, very common.
- Day 20: October 19, 2016: Maybe he doesn’t know how to win.
- Day 21: October 18, 2016: Of course there is large scale voter fraud.
- Day 21: October 18, 2016: 1.8 million deceased individuals will vote.
- Day 22: October 17, 2016: Election is rigged at many polling places.
- Day 22: October 17, 2016: Secret plot to destroy U.S. sovereignty.
- Day 23: October 16, 2016: Drug test prior to the debate.
- Day 23: October 16, 2016: It’s all rigged and Carlos Slim’s fault.
- Day 23: October 16, 2016: Time to retire the boring and unfunny show.
- Day 24: October 15, 2016: This whole election is being rigged.
- Day 24: October 15, 2016: It’s Vietnam. It is very dangerous.
- Day 24: October 15, 2016: Troubled women are the best In bed.
- Day 24: October 15, 2016: Believe me, she would not be my first choice.
- Day 25: October 14, 2016: Facts mean nothing. Third rate journalism!
- Day 25: October 14, 2016: There’s a whole sinister deal going on.
- Day 26: October 13, 2016: I am going to be dating her in 10 years.
- Day 26: October 13, 2016: ISIS will take over America.
- Day 26: October 13, 2016: I don’t think I’m that outspoken.
- Day 26: October 13, 2016: But there’s a whole sinister deal going on.
- Day 26: October 13, 2016: Uh oh, got a little ding on the head?
- Day 27: October 12, 2016: Shackles have been taken off me.
- Day 27: October 12, 2016: They’re standing there with no clothes.
- Day 27: October 12, 2016: The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain.
- Day 27: October 12, 2016: Why aren’t they on the shows?
- Day 28: October 11, 2016: I’m a gentleman.
- Day 29: October 10, 2016: Threatening a political opponent with jail.
- Day 29: October 10, 2016: It’s just locker room talk.
- Day 29: October 10, 2016: Accusing
defendingthe accusers. - Day 30: October 9, 2016: It’s “check-out time” for women over 35.
- Day 30: October 9, 2016: I figure 125 a piece as opposed to 100.
- Day 31: October 8, 2016: Grab them by the p***y. You can do anything.
- Day 31: October 8, 2016: Central Park 5 are still guilty.
- Day 31: October 8, 2016: Letting illegals into this country to vote.
- Day 32: October 7, 2016: I will come very strongly one way or the other.
- Day 32: October 7, 2016: Insults done for entertainment.
- Day 32: October 7, 2016: On pronouncing Nevada.
- Day 33: October 6, 2016: Go and watch the polling places.
- Day 33: October 6, 2016: I’m getting a lot of credit for Mike Pence.
- Day 34: October 5, 2016: So, go and vote and then go check out areas.
- Day 34: October 5, 2016: I know how to make a deal.
- Day 35: October 4, 2016: “Brilliantly used” laws to avoid tax.
- Day 35: October 4, 2016: Vets with PTSD aren’t strong.
- Day 35: October 4, 2016: I make great deals for myself.
- Day 35: October 4, 2016: Time for the wife to pose nude for Playboy.
- Day 36: October 3, 2016: Shaming others for not paying tax.
- Day 37: October 2, 2016: I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill.
- Day 37: October 2, 2016: I could be doing the ‘Apprentice’ now.
- Day 38: October 1, 2016: She’s nasty, but I can be nastier.
- Day 38: October 1, 2016: The playboy in Playboy.
- Day 38: October 1, 2016: Tweeting the important stuff at 3am.
- Day 38: October 1, 2016: Mr.Trump goes to Cuba.
- Day 39: September 30, 2016: Check out sex tape.
- Day 39: September 30, 2016: You have to have the right genes.
- Day 39: September 30, 2016: She’s a great leader. Should be ashamed.
- Day 39: September 30, 2016: I think we’ll keep the non-Christians, right?
- Day 39: September 30, 2016: Debate was a rigged deal.
- Day 40: September 29, 2016: Google search is biased.
- Day 40: September 29, 2016: I’m winning by massive margins.
- Day 40: September 29, 2016: The nuclear.
- Day 41: September 28, 2016: I was going to say something extremely rough.
- Day 41: September 28, 2016: I didn’t want to embarrass her.
- Day 41: September 28, 2016: Miss Eating Machine.
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: I have a winning temperament.
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: Birtherism… I did a good job… I say nothing.
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: A very small $14 million loan.
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: She doesn’t have the look…
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: That’s called business, by the way.
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: Paying no tax… That makes me smart.
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: She gained a massive amount of weight.
- Day 42: September 27, 2016: Mr.Sniffles’ health and bad mic conspiracy.
- Day 43: September 26, 2016: From Russia with love and money.
- Day 44: September 25, 2016: Lying versus making things up.
- Day 45: September 24, 2016: Don’t want fact-checking.
- Day 46: September 23, 2016: Banning refugees is a quality of life issue.
- Day 46: September 23, 2016: Other People’s Money (OPM).
- Day 47: September 22, 2016: Seize the oil to reimburse ourselves.
- Day 47: September 22, 2016: Time for nationwide stop-and-frisk!
- Day 48: September 21, 2016: I called it before the news.
- Day 48: September 21, 2016: Worst shape… ever, ever, ever!
- Day 49: September 20, 2016: Self-deal or no deal.
- Day 49: September 20, 2016: The plane! The plane!
- Day 50: September 19, 2016: I finished it. I finished it.
- Day 51: September 18, 2016: Litigation via Twitter.
- Day 51: September 18, 2016: A neurotic dope! Crazy.
- Day 51: September 18, 2016: He’s a nasty guy…
- Day 52: September 17, 2016: Time to promote the new hotel.
- Day 52: September 17, 2016: Disarm her Secret Service protection.
- Day 53: September 16, 2016: We have to keep the suspense going, OK?
- Day 53: September 16, 2016: Birther 2.0.
- Day 54: September 15, 2016: Charity begins at home.
- Day 54: September 15, 2016: A nervous mess.
- Day 55: September 14, 2016: Openness and transparency.
- Day 56: September 13, 2016: Giving others’ money to charity.
- Day 56: September 13, 2016: Election, debates, interest rates are rigged.
- Day 57: September 12, 2016: So something is going on.
- Day 58: September 11, 2016: Remembering 9/11. Now it’s the tallest.
- Day 59: September 10, 2016: If he says great things about me…
- Day 60: September 9, 2016: But I always said: Take the oil.
- Day 60: September 9, 2016: That’s how well we did in Mexico.
- Day 61: September 8, 2016: My secret plan for ISIS.
- Day 61: September 8, 2016: Putin is a leader, far more than our president.
- Day 61: September 8, 2016: I have pretty good with the body language.
- Day 62: September 7, 2016: Never spoken to her about it, never.
- Day 62: September 7, 2016: Hillary’s massive coughing attack.
- Day 63: September 6, 2016: My temperament ‘single greatest asset’.
- Day 63: September 6, 2016: Does she look presidential, fellas?
- Day 64: September 5, 2016: A very weak and ineffective Senator.
- Day 65: September 4, 2016: Listening to the blacks.
- Day 66: September 3, 2016: Need very smart people to vet immigrants.
- Day 67: September 2, 2016: A mental breakdown while talking about me.
- Day 67: September 2, 2016: And always saluting it.
- Day 68: September 1, 2016: Who pays for the wall? We didn’t discuss.
- Day 68: September 1, 2016: Vetting views on women, gays, minorities.
- Day 68: September 1, 2016: Mexicans are spectacular, spectacular.
- Day 68: September 1, 2016: Democrats are the party of slavery.
- Day 69: August 31, 2016: Take a look at where her mother worked.
- Day 70: August 30, 2016: Clinton’s rallies held in “port-o-potties”.
- Day 70: August 30, 2016: Find a country that works better for him.
- Day 71: August 29, 2016: Just what I have been saying.
- Day 72: August 28, 2016: Bad people gone within one hour of taking office.
- Day 74: August 27, 2016: Millions of bad dudes are out!
- Day 74: August 27, 2016: A great wall with tunnel technology.
- Day 75: August 26, 2016: Mass deportations… sort of like a poll.
- Day 75: August 26, 2016: There is no alt-right.
- Day 75: August 26, 2016: Astonishingly excellent health.
- Day 76: August 25, 2016: Hillary Clinton is a bigot.
- Day 76: August 25, 2016: Immigration policy through polling.
- Day 76: August 25, 2016: Keep them out of here!
- Day 77: August 24, 2016: Flip-flopping on the flip flop.
- Day 77, August 24, 2016: Inner cities more dangerous than war zones.
- Day 78, August 23, 2016: She’s neurotic, not very bright mess.
- Day 78, August 23, 2016: I regret nothing. I have the best regret.
- Day 79: August 22, 2016: What the hell do you have to lose?
- Day 80: August 21, 2016: Nobody knows debt better than me.
- Day 81: August 20, 2016: I will get over 95 percent of black vote.
- Day 82: August 19, 2016: In this journey, I will never lie to you.
- Day 82: August 19, 2016: I‘m a great fan of giving. But not my money.
- Day 83: August 18, 2016: Time for some extreme racial profiling.
- Day 83: August 18, 2016: Bad Intel. The worst intel. Won’t use them.
- Day 84: August 17, 2016: Reject bigotry and hatred… in all its forms.
- Day 85, August 16, 2016: I don’t want to pivot.
- Day 86, August 15, 2016: The ideological test.
- Day 87, August 14, 2016: Freedom of the press.
- Day 87, August 14, 2016: Disgusting and corrupt media.
- Day 88, August 13, 2016: Election observers.
- Day 89, August, 12, 2016: I’m being sarcastic… but not that sarcastic.
- Day 89, August 12, 2016: She’s a brilliant person. She’s the devil.
- Day 89, August 12, 2016: He is the founder of ISIS. OK?
- Day 89: August 12, 2016: Military courts for US citizens.
- Day 90, August 11, 2016: Trump Airlines rescues the Marines.
- Day 90, August 11, 2016: Dumb as a rock.
- Day 91, August 10, 2016: Second Amendment people and violence.
- Day 91, August 10, 2016: Attending the rigged debates, but…
- Day 92, August 9, 2016: I hadn’t planned on using any of these people.
- Day 93, August 8, 2016: Real national unemployment rate is 21-42%.
- Day 94, August 7, 2016: Yesterday, will not endorse. Today, will endorse.
- Day 95, August 6, 2016: Japanese can watch Sony television, OK.
- Day 96, August 5, 2016: Put Ivanka in the cabinet.
- Day 96, August 5, 2016: I saw the tape, saw the cash. No tape, no cash.
- Please check out older vulgarities and nonsense — days 97-621 from the election — at my overflow page.
As we count down to Election Day — a potentially apocalyptic event — I plan to add a daily key “thought” (I use this term loosely) from the increasingly deranged and highly volatile mind of the Republican nominee.
For the sake of historical completeness I’ve also included some of Mr. Trump’s most recent choice vulgarities, bulls**t and other nonsense pre-100 days. I’m not going back more than a couple of years because, quite simply, there’s far too much crass stupidity to cover on one simple web page.
This truly is a gift that keeps on giving — but only up until November 8, 2016, of course.